Which Pressure Sensitive Adhesive Should I Use?

Dec-16-2014 | Comments: 3 | Posted In: Adhesives & Polymers | Posted By:
For some, looking for the correct pressure sensitive adhesive (PSA) for a certain product is like a guessing game. But that’s where adhesives specialists, like Franklin Adhesives & Polymers, come in.

Franklin has come up with a very handy questionnaire that will help to determine the best adhesive for your specific application. Located on the company’s website called The Pressure Sensitive Adhesives Bonding Questionnaire, you will need to supply information regarding your coating, including:
  • If it’s formulated in-house, or needs to be coater-ready PSA 
  • What type of PSA you coat
  • Information about your coater, including coater head, direct or transfer, line speed, drying method, coat weight 
  • End use application
  • Type of bond desired
  • Attributes

More information will need to be supplied, beyond the above. Once that form is filled out and submitted, the company will contact you within three business days.

As an alternative, if you need information as soon as possible, collect the information that the form requests, and have it handy while you call Franklin’s customer service.

This will help to answer the sometimes baffling question, “Which PSA should I use??”


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